01-31-2022 CalRHA Special Legislative Updates

Posted By: Sharon Lum Industry News Blog, CalRHA Legislative News,

Kate Bell (KateBellStrategies.com) has provided us with special updates on some Assembly Bills of interest to the Rental Housing community. Click the links below for more information on the bills.

AB854 (Lee)

1/12/2022 AB 854 (Lee) Withdrawal of Accommodations - Assembly Housing Hearing Outcome 

1/31/2022 AB854 (Lee) Failed!

1/31/2022 AB854 (Lee) Failed!
Today was the deadline for 2-year bills to pass their house of origin.  Thank you to all who made calls to target members in opposition to AB 854 (Lee), dealing with the Ellis Act.  The Assembly just adjourned and they didn’t take up AB 854 because it didn’t have the votes to pass.  Job well done by all!

AB 916 (Salas & Quirk-Silva)

1/12/2022 AB 916 (Salas & Quirk-Silva) Zoning: accessory dwelling units: Bedroom Addition. (2021-2022)